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Japanese Knotweed Survey in Evesham

Enquire Today For A Free No Obligation Quote

Japanese knotweed is an invasive plant that grows in Evesham and can cause a lot of damage to buildings if left untreated.

We are a professional Japanese Knotweed survey company that finds invasive plant species and determine how to prevent them from spreading. The full survey report details how bad the Japanese knotweed problem is, what risks it poses, and suggestions for how to deal with it.

Before approving a loan, a mortgage lender may need a Japanese knotweed survey report. It is important to tell the lender about Japanese knotweed to avoid legal and financial problems.

The cost of the survey depends on the property’s size, complexity, and level of infestation. It is best to have a survey done by a professional member of the Property Care Association with a good reputation.

A Evesham Japanese knotweed survey protects your property from the costs and damage that this invasive plant could cause.

It provides a basis for declaring Japanese knotweed and developing a Japanese Knotweed management plan, which is important for maintaining the property’s value.

Get in touch today for free identification of your property and neighbouring land.

Who Are We?

We are an experienced team of Japanese Knotweed specialists in Evesham with over 15 years of experience in the industry.

As members of the Property Care Association, we helped over a thousand customers obtain a mortgage over the past year.

Our expert surveyors carry our nationwide coverage and are all Pa1 and Pa6 qualified weed technicians.

We offer a range of services, including a free survey, a management plan, a risk assessment, a treatment program, and an insurance-backed guarantee.

It is important to note that if you are selling your property, valuers and surveyors have a clear duty to identify the presence of Japanese knotweed during their inspection.

Working with specialists in Japanese knotweed surveys in Evesham can help ensure your property is free from this invasive plant, prevent further spread, and avoid potential legal and financial consequences.

If you need a survey, it is essential to work with Japanese Knotweed specialists who have expert knowledge in identifying and managing this plant.

Why You Need a Japanese Knotweed Survey

If you believe you may be affected by Japanese knotweed, the sooner you find and remove this the better.

If left untreated, knotweed can cause damage to properties quickly spreading.

It is an offence to allow Japanese knotweed to spread from your property knowingly. According to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Duty of Care Regulations 1991, any material contaminated with Japanese knotweed or Japanese knotweed material must be removed and disposed of at a licensed landfill site with the appropriate controlled waste transfer documentation.

In a development site, Japanese knotweed must be handled and managed responsibly. Any efforts to control or remove the plant should be carried out according to the codes of practice for the management of Japanese knotweed set forth by the Environment Agency and Property Care Association (PCA).

A Japanese knotweed survey formalises its identification and allowed us to understand the severity and risk they present. It will then provide information on the treatment strategy and begin eradication. Located in homes only.

What is Involved In Japanese Knotweed Surveys

Identifying and remediating Japanese Knotweed can be a daunting task. A thorough survey of the affected area is needed to figure out how bad the infestation is and come up with a plan to stop it and get rid of the invasive plant species.

There are a variety of different approaches when it comes to surveying a property for Japanese Knotweed in Evesham, depending on the size, scope and resources available.

Manual surveying may be more feasible for smaller properties, as it is often less expensive and time-consuming than aerial surveys or infrared mapping.

Manual survey teams typically use visual markers to flag knotweed onsite. While manual surveying is cost-effective and provides quick results, this technique needs to be more accurate for large properties. It may not be able to detect infestations beneath surface-level vegetation or growing inside structures or underground surfaces.

For larger areas, aerial or infrared surveying methods may be more appropriate. Aerial surveys are done with helicopters or drones, and visible knots are recorded with digital cameras and sent away to be analysed later. This type of survey is extremely accurate but costs much more than manual surveying.

Infrared mapping utilises thermal imaging cameras to identify differences in heat signatures created by clusters of knotweed stems compared to their surrounding environment.

While this method is precise, it is also very costly. It might be hard to tell which knotweed plants are which, so infrared mapping should only be used when aerial surveys aren’t possible because there is so much foliage.

No matter the methodology, all surveys must be conducted by an experienced professional with an up-to-date licence issued by a recognised governing body such as Natural England, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) or Countryside Council for Wales (CCW).

Selecting which survey methodology to use initially depends largely on the size and scope of the project, as well as available resources. Still, manual and automated surveys have pros and cons that must be carefully weighed before deciding which one to use.

Data Collection and Mapping

Data Collection and mapping are essential components to a successful Japanese knotweed survey in Evesham. Although it is possible to conduct a successful survey without any data collection or mapping, the results of such surveys will be limited in more complex sites.

By collecting data, including but not limited to GPS coordinates, vegetation health assessments, and photos of infestations, a surveyor can paint an accurate picture of the infestation across the entire area.

Once this data is collected, it can be mapped for further accuracy. In terms of Japanese knotweed management and treatment strategy planning, mapping is the most important part. A site map will help everyone understand how big the infestation is and which areas must be treated. It’s also true that some forms of mapping from aerial viewpoints are extremely useful, with Japanese Knotweed control being most successful when targeted to particular parts of an infested area.

Data collection and mapping can be time-consuming and costly compared to simple visual inspection during a survey. Investing time in these processes can save you money in the long run by allowing you to create an effective plan that uses fewer resources and has less impact on local ecosystems.

With accurate data collection and mapping ensuring more precise information about the extent of Japanese Knotweed, surveyors can now move on to analysing all this information and revealing survey results, ultimately resulting in effective control and removal strategies.

Survey Results

Once the Evesham property is surveyed for Japanese knotweed, a professional surveyor can determine the extent of any infestation. Generally, a survey includes documentation of existing knotweed, its height, and its spread across the area. The knowledge gained from surveying helps inform what type of management plan needs to be implemented to control or eradicate the knotweed. Depending on the circumstances, results may influence whether further action can be taken or if site development should be re-assessed.

The results of the survey may either confirm an infestation is present or conclude that there is no evidence of Japanese knotweed growth on the property. It is important to note that Japanese knotweed can reveal itself as a hidden menace due to its ability to send rhizomes deep underground up to seven metres away from where it was originally planted. This means that even if a recent survey reveals no evidence of Japanese knotweed presence, previous surveys may not have been thorough enough to collect samples which could reveal the plant’s roots beneath the surface.

Though both sides of the argument must be acknowledged in a professional manner, it is clear that proper surveying procedures are necessary in order to protect your property from an infestation of invasive species like Japanese Knotweed. Identifying the location of Knotweed is essential in order to properly address any potential issues with controlling this highly invasive species before it takes root and causes extensive damage.

Identifying the location of Knotweed in Evesham is an important step in formulating an effective management plan for preventing invasion and mitigating existing infestations. In the next section we will look at how exactly such identification can be done and examine why this process is so important in protecting against further invasions by Japanese Knotweed and other invasive species.

Identifying the Location of Knotweed

When it comes to identifying the location of knotweed, the key is to act quickly and accurately. While much of the plant may remain hidden underground or beneath surface vegetation, its bright green foliage, hollow canes and white clusters of flowers are very easy to spot with the right tools.

When looking for signs of Japanese knotweed in Evesham, it is very important to talk to a professional who has the knowledge and experience to correctly identify the signs.

Professionals can utilise advanced GPS technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to map knotweed outcrops and determine the exact spread precisely.

Property surveys also involve looking around buildings as knotweed can easily damage full foundations if not tackled swiftly.

While certain varieties of native plants may have similar physical characteristics to Japanese Knotweed, only a trained surveyor can definitively tell whether a plant is indeed knotweed or not. The time needed to survey an area or have a professional inspection means that any potential infestation can be stopped immediately before it is too late.

Identifying the location of knotweed requires rapid response and a specialist eye to establish whether a plant is invasive or harmless.

The best way to protect the property is to start management and control as soon as possible after it has been found.

Japanese Knotweed Survey Cost Evesham

A Japanese Knotweed survey costs around £250 + VAT.

This depends on various factors such as the size, and access requirements.

If we do find knotweed on your property, we can deduct this amount from the removal cost.

Management and Control of Knotweed

Japanese knotweed is an invasive species that poses a unique challenge. It grows quickly and aggressively in Evesham, and its roots are long and can damage the foundations of buildings.

Since knotweed spreads easily and is difficult to eradicate, management and control are essential to prevent further harm to homeowners’ properties.

Various approaches to managing Japanese knotweed include manual removal, and chemical control methods with Glyphosate-based herbicides .

Each approach has its benefits and drawbacks. For example, manual removal requires significant physical labour, but it effectively controls the size of a population; meanwhile, chemical control may be less labour-intensive, but it also poses risks to non-target plants and animals.

Property owners and professionals in Evesham should discuss how to manage Japanese knotweed long term.

For management strategies to be effective, both parties need to understand the biology of the pest species and the implications for the environment and adjacent properties.

Landowners must seek professional advice from accredited individuals and organisations to ensure successful control of knotweed populations on any property.

With clear communication between all parties involved in knotweed control efforts, it is possible to protect local environments from this invasive species.

Dialogue with the Public

The issue of Japanese knotweed has engaged the public in recent years. The debate around the impact of this invasive species on residential areas, public spaces and rural locations has been fierce. Many people do not understand the implications of having a knotweed infestation on their properties.

Those who are generally in favour of a survey point out that it can help to spot and tackle an existing problem before it gets out of hand, making it easier and less expensive to eradicate than if it had spread further.

A Evesham survey is an important part of the preventative approach to keeping non-native species out of vulnerable habitats, both on private property and in the wider environment.

Regardless of where individuals stand on this issue, dialogue between those involved in the knowledge and management of Japanese knotweed is essential for understanding how best to manage this serious invasive species problem we all face today.

Japanese Knotweed Accreditations

When looking for a Japanese knotweed specialist in the UK, it is important to consider their accreditations to ensure they are properly qualified and experienced to carry out the work. The following accreditations may be relevant:

  • Property Care Association (PCA): The PCA is a trade association representing specialists in the structural repair, damp-proofing, and waterproofing industries. They offer a range of training and accreditation schemes, including a Japanese knotweed management course.
  • Invasive Non-Native Specialists Association (INNSA): INNSA is a trade association representing companies controlling and eradicating invasive non-native species. They offer a range of accreditation schemes, including one for Japanese knotweed management.
  • Constructionline: Constructionline is a government-run scheme that provides a database of pre-qualified contractors and consultants for construction projects. Contractors can obtain accreditation for Japanese knotweed management services.
  • TrustMark: TrustMark is a government-endorsed quality scheme covering various trades and services, including Japanese knotweed removal. Companies must undergo a rigorous vetting process to become TrustMark-approved.
  • Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – Makes it an offence to cause Knotweed to grow in the wild, and can be construed as an offence to knowingly allow it to spread from your property.

It is important to note that not all companies involved in Japanese knotweed removal in Evesham will hold these accreditations. However, it may be worth seeking out a specialist who does, as it can provide additional reassurance that they have the necessary skills and experience to carry out the work to a high standard.

What Criteria Do Mortgage Providers Look for?

The RICS chart used to categorise Japanese Knotweed has recently been replaced by a new format.

The old chart is still available on some websites as it is uncertain how and when most mortgage lenders will adopt the new guidance. The Information is listed below:

Japanese Knotweed is within 7 metres of a habitable space, conservatory and/or garage, either within the boundaries of this property or in a neighbouring property or space; and/or Japanese Knotweed is causing serious damage to outbuildings, associated structures, drains, paths, boundary walls or fences and so on.

Although Japanese Knotweed is present within the boundaries of the property, it is more than 7 metres from a habitable space, conservatory and/or garage. If there is damage to outbuildings, associated structures, paths and boundary walls and fences, it is minor.

Japanese Knotweed was not seen within the boundaries of this property, but it was seen on a neighbouring property or land. Here, it was within 7 metres of the boundary, but more than 7 metres away from habitable space, conservatory and/or garage of the subject property.

Japanese Knotweed was not seen on this property, but it can be seen on a neighbouring property or land where it was more than 7 metres away from the boundary.

Source- https://www.rics.org/


A Evesham Japanese Knotweed survey is necessary for residential property owners to protect their homes or commercial site businesses from the damage caused by this invasive species.

Survey findings help determine the presence of Japanese Knotweed and whether it is actively growing on your property. The survey results can help you decide if you need to remove or treat the plant to protect your property from damage that can’t be fixed.

A Japanese Knotweed survey is an important step that Evesham property owners should take to protect their land and any neighbouring property from this damaging species.

Doing a lot of research and thinking about both sides of the issue will help you make a decision that meets your needs and protects your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Japanese Knotweed affect native plant species?

Japanese Knotweed is an invasive species that can wreak havoc on native plants in an area. It can completely take over habitats by outcompeting other plants for light and soil nutrients. This leaves other plants without the resources they need to stay alive.

Its thick root system can prevent new growth from establishing itself and damage existing infrastructure such as foundations, concrete, and asphalt. It spreads quickly and is hard to get rid of once it’s there because of how it grows. This hurts native plants in the area over time.

How quickly does Japanese Knotweed spread?

Japanese Knotweed is a highly aggressive plant that can spread quickly. If left unchecked, the rhizomes (underground root system) can grow up to 20 metres in a single season and have been known to cross major barriers like roads, walls, and other obstacles.

Left unmanaged, Japanese Knotweed spreads via its extensive rhizome network, leaving triangular-shaped leaf nodes at intervals along the growth. This can cause huge economic costs as it is difficult to dig out, and numerous legal cases arise as it passes onto neighbouring properties, so staying one step ahead of the plant requires regular monitoring and a treatment plan.

What specific methods are used to control Japanese Knotweed populations?

Chemical control or herbicide application is the most effective method of controlling Japanese Knotweed populations. This involves either spot treatment, or stem injection, where the herbicide is injected directly into individual stems or treatment, where a larger herbicide concentration is applied to the plant’s base.

You can also pull each stem out by hand or dig it out, but this takes a long time and isn’t likely to get rid of all of the established root systems.

Cutting back a Japanese Knotweed infestation before herbicide application can make it easier for the herbicide to penetrate the leaves and stems and reduce competition from other plants by reducing light and nutrient availability. Repeat treatments may be necessary over several years to achieve optimum control.

Once invasive plants have been removed from an area, they should be checked regularly to ensure they don’t come back.

Do you have to declare Japanese knotweed when selling a house?

You must inform buyers about the Japanese Knotweed in their house if you want to avoid making a false representation of the land.

In many conveyancing transactions, the buyer’s solicitor asks the seller to send a TA6 form.

What is the 7 metre rule for Japanese knotweed?

The 7-metre rule indicates that if Japanese Knotweed is found to be growing within 7 metres of a property boundary, it is highly probable that a mortgage will not be offered. This rule is in place to safeguard the lender in case the presence of knotweed has a detrimental impact on the property’s value.

What is a Japanese Knotweed Management Plan?

A Japanese Knotweed Management Plan (KMP) is a detailed document outlining the steps to be taken to manage and control Japanese knotweed on a specific site. It is typically required by mortgage lenders, local authorities, and other stakeholders for planning permission or property transactions.

The KMP includes a site survey and assessment, outlining the extent of the knotweed infestation, proposed control methods, and the expected duration of treatment. It may also include risk assessments, contingency plans, and a schedule of monitoring and maintenance activities. The KMP is designed to ensure that the Japanese knotweed is effectively managed, controlled, and ultimately eradicated from the site.

What is the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors?

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) accredits professionals in the land, property, construction, and infrastructure sectors worldwide.

RICS sets standards for professional and ethical behaviour and provides education, training, and qualifications for its members. Knotweed refers to Japanese knotweed, an invasive plant species that can cause significant damage to properties and infrastructure.

In the context of RICS, knotweed is often discussed in relation to property surveys and valuations, as it can impact the value of a property and may require management or removal. RICS provides guidance on the management of Japanese knotweed for its members and promotes best practices for dealing with this the plant species.

What is Japanese Knotweed?

Japanese knotweed (fallopia japonica) is a highly invasive plant species that is native to East Asia. It was introduced to Europe and North America as an ornamental plant in the 19th century but quickly became an aggressive and destructive weed. Japanese knotweed can grow up to 10 feet tall and spreads rapidly through a network of underground roots. It can cause serious damage to buildings, roads, and other structures, and can be difficult and expensive to control.

Should I report Japanese Knotweed?

Having Japanese knotweed growing on land is not illegal, and landowners are not required to report its presence. However, if the knotweed is causing a nuisance, there could be a civil liability.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great Japanese knotweed services in West Midlands.

Here are some towns we cover near Evesham.



We absolutely love the service provided. Their approach is really friendly but professional. We went out to five different companies and found Japanese Knotweed Survey to be value for money and their service was by far the best. Thank you for your really awesome work, we will definitely be returning!

Ethan Lawson



We have used Japanese Knotweed Survey for many years as they are certainly the best in the UK. The attention to detail and professional setup is what makes this company our go-to company for all our work. I highly recommend the team for the immense work – we highly recommend them!

John Smith


For more information on Japanese knotweed surveys in Evesham, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.